26 Jul 2024 
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VPS Email Hosting - IzzyMail now StrataMail (17) Legacy shared email hosting (Imail) (3)
What is an email header?How do I view an email header ?How do I import my contacts from Outlook to my Email Continuity or Izzymail account?What are the port settings used to setup a StrataMail or Email Continuity email account?How to take a backup of emails within your email clientmore topics Where can I find tutorials for Webservio Mail?Some receipients are rejecting our sending out emailsHow to take a backup of emails within your email clientmore topics
G Suite Services (2)
How to Create Domain Routes For Message Routing Systems in G SuiteHow to Create a New Host For Message Routing Services in G Suitemore topics
 What is an email header?
  The email header is the information that travels with every email, containing details about the sender, route and receiver. It is like a flight ticket: it can tell you who booked it (who sent the email), the departure information (when the email was sent), the route (from where it was sent and how did it arrive to you) and arrival details (who is the receiver and when it was received). As when you would book a flight ticket with a false identity, the same goes for emails: the sender can partially fake these details, pretending that the email was sent from a different account (common practice for spammers or viruses).
 How does Webservio's email hosting work?
 When you sign up for Webservio's email hosting service, the MX record for your domain will point to our mail server so that all the email sent to your domain is received by our mail server. Once your email arrives to our mail server, you either have the option to read itweb-based through a browser, or you can download the email using a POP3 client such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.
 How do I import my contacts from Outlook to my Email Continuity or Izzymail account?
 If you can export your contacts from Outlook to a .vcard file, you can import that file to the Email Continuity or IzzyMail Address Book. Here is an example of a few entries in a .vcard file: BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:Lastname;Firstname;;;FN:Firstname LastnameEMAIL;INTERNET:firstnamelastname@domain.comNOTE:id: cn=Firstname lastname,mail=firstnamelastname@domain.comEND:VCARDBEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1EMAIL;INTERNET:jd@domain.comNOTE:id: mail=jd@domain.comFN:jd@domain.comEND:VCARD Once the .vcard file is created, log into your web-based email account. Select "Address Book" from the top-right navigation Select the import icon from the top left navigation. (This icon looks like a Rolodex card with a green up arrow.) Click "Browse" and navigate the the .vcard file created above. Click "Import" When the import is
 How to view an email header in Outlook 2010
 Open the specific email message of interest in a new window by double-clicking its line in the email summary pane.Go to the “File” tab in the new window and click on the “Properties” button.Note that if you go to the “File” tab in your main Outlook window (as opposed to the window that you popped up with a single email message), it will not have a “Properties” button, because these are specific to a single message rather than the whole application.When you click the “Properties” button, a new Properties window should pop up:The headers are in the bottom portion of the window. Copy and paste to an editor in order to view them in a more convenient manner.
 What are the port settings used to setup a StrataMail or Email Continuity email account?
  Use the following port settings when configuring your email account in your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) or phone/mobile device. SSL-based Ports This is the recommended configuration for Webservio services.SMTP SSL 465 POP3 SSL 995 IMAP SSL 993 Traditional Ports SMTP 25 (mostly blocked to public network to prevent spammers from sending emails directly with port 26 being used instead) POP3 110 IMAP 143
 My email client is trying to download old duplicate emails
  If you are experiencing this problem, you probably have your email account configured to use POP. The way POP works by pulling emails from the server and downloading them onto your workstation. An alternative method of configuring your email account is IMAP. IMAP views emails on the server rather than downloading a copy to your workstation. Configuring a new account using IMAP should prevent duplicate messages from being downloaded to your email client. Once you have configured the new account, you can copy over any folders from the POP account to the new IMAP account to preserve your email organization and then delete the POP account. If you would rather keep your current POP account, or your mail server does not have IMAP capability, you may change your email client settings to delete emails from the server after downloading them. If you choose this method, it is recommended that you periodically create a backup copy of your emails. This article gives instruc
 Configure POP email account to delete messages from the server
  Outlook 2010 & 20131. Click the File tab > Account Settings2. Click Account Settings3. Select your email account4. Click Change...5. Click More Settings...6. Click the Advanced tab7. Uncheck the box next to "Leave a copy of messages on the server"Alternately, leave that box checked but check the box next to "Remove from server after" and select a time period. This ensures that if you have the account configured on multiple devices, you will still be able to access the message for a long enough to download it to all devices before it is deleted from the server.Outlook 20071. Click Tools > Account Settings2. Select your email account3. Click Change...4. Click More Settings...5. Click the Advanced tab6. Uncheck the b
 How to Migrate and Copy Emails from an Existing Account to Webservio's Email Hosting Services
  Before completing the following steps, you must have received notification from our support staff that your new email hosting service has been created. Typically, an administrator must then add email accounts to the new email hosting service. Proceed below only after email users have been created!1.  Create a NEW account in your desktop email client - DO NOT DELETE YOUR CURRENT, ORIGINAL EMAIL ACCOUNT. Use these settings:Account Type: IMAPIncoming Server Port: 993Outgoing Server (SMTP) Port: 465For additional instructions, refer to the applicable guide for your email client:OutlookThunderbird2.  Once you have created a NEW account, you need to make it the default account.
 How to take a backup of emails within your email client
 Outlook 2013:http://office.microsoft.com/en-in/outlook-help/export-or-back-up-messages-calendar-tasks-and-contacts-HA102809683.aspxOutlook 2010:http://office.microsoft.com/en-in/outlook-help/export-outlook-items-to-an-outlook-data-filepst-HA102534110.aspxOutlook 2007:http://office.microsoft.com/en-in/outlook-help/export-outlook-items-to-a-personal-folders-filepst-HA102538007.aspxApple mail: Extracted from: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2980#mailTo manually back up Mail messages (emails)To back up entire mailboxes (where Mail stores messages), such as your Inbox, follow these steps:1. Quit Mail if it's open.2. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Home.3. Open the Library folder.4. Copy the folder "Mail" to your backup location, such as a different volume or burnable disc.Important:
 Bulk User Creation
  1.2 File Syntax The file consists of a list of e-mail addresses or users line by line seperated by spaces or tabs. The file format can either be unix or a ms-dos format. Comments are denoted by a '#' character they CANNOT be on the same line . There are three types of data that can be imported:   Regular E-mail Users (see section 1.2.1)   User ALiases (Aliases of an E-mail User) (see section 1.2.2)   Alias forwarded to Aliases and E-mail users (see section 1.2.3)  The sequence of processing the enteies are as followed. It is very important that the sequence of creation is followed:   A. Regular E-mail Users   B. User ALiases (
 Bulk User Creation - text1.txt file
 ## Example of valid entries for Bulk User Creation:# Main Domain in this example:spoolmail.com # Alias Domain in this example:postini-solutions.com # Default Password in this example is password123# # # 1.2.1 Regular E-mail Users:# username@domainname.com password john@spoolmail.com john123# username password # The following entry will add the user under the default domain.kathy kathy123 # username # The following entry will add the user under the default domain and def pass.test## # 1.2.2 Alias to an E-mail User:#The following accounts will be configured as aliases to this user: john@spoolmail.com john.wayne@postini-solutions.com,jwayne@spoolmail.com,jwayne@postini-solutions.com #The following entries are valid as well:john accounting@spoolmail.com,ap@spoolmail.com,accounting@postini-solutions.com## 1.2.3 Alias forwarded to Aliases and
 How to Create Exchange Account in Outlook 2016
  Important: Outlook 2016 can only connect to Exchange using AutoDiscover feature. A special DNS record must be configured for your domain in order for you to take advantage of the Outlook 2016. Currently Outlook 2016 profile cannot be created with Outlook profile helper tool.Outlook 2016 doesn't support manual setup for Exchange accounts.Outlook 2016 does not support Exchange 2007 mailboxes. Only Exchange 2010 and later versions are supported. 
 How to create a distribution list in IzzyMail
 Directories and Groups The leftmost pane displays a list of address directories and contact groups within each of the directories. Depending on your server configuration and installed plugins you might see multiple directories but there’s at least one directory which contains your personal contacts. Contact groups are handy to organize your contacts. They can also be selected when composing an email message and will enter all members as a recipient. Groups will also appear in the auto-completion  list when you start typing in the recipient field. A contact can be assigned to multiple groups. Click a directory or a group in the list to show the contained contacts in the list on the right. The currently selected directory or group is highlighted in the list. Create a Contact Group In order to create a new contact group, first select the directory you want the
 What are Resource Mailboxes in Hosted Exchange?
 Resource mailboxes are mailboxes that represent conference rooms or shared equipment. Resource mailboxes can be included as resources in meeting requests, providing a simple and efficient way to utilize resources for an organization.Note: Resource mailboxes cannot be accessed directly. The only way to open a resource mailbox is to open it from the delegate's mailbox.There are two types of resource mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange Server: room and equipment. Room mailboxes are assigned to a meeting location, such as a conference room, auditorium, or training room. Equipment mailboxes are assigned to a resource that is not location specific, such as a portable computer projector, microphone, or company car. In reference to resource mailboxes, a delegate is a user that has been delegated as the management of the resource mailbox. The delegate can approve or reject out-of-policy meeting requests for a resource.The delegate can
 What are the Webservio IP ranges for my firewall, server, and or SPF settings?
  The Webservio IP ranges are:
 How to setup an IzzyMail email account on mobile device or cell phone
  OVERVIEW: The following article will guide you through configuring your email on an Android device, iOS device, Blackberry device, Windows Mobile etc., REQU
 What is DMARC and why do I need it?
 DMARC is a protocol that stands for "Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance."  It uses SPF and DKIM to determine the legitimacy of an email message and requires both to fail in order to take action on a message.DMARC is a way to make it easier for email senders and recipients to determine if a message is truly from the sender and what to do if it isn't.  This makes it easier to identify spam and phishing messages, and keep them out of users' inboxes.DMARC gives the legitimate owner of the domain a way to request failing messages - spoofed, spam, and phishing - be put directly in the spam folder or rejected altogether.DMARC policies remove the guesswork from email recipient's handling of these failed messages, which eliminates or limits the user's exposure to potentially fraudulent and malicious messages.DMARC only protects against direct domain spoofing and will not protect against attacks using similar
 How to Add IMAP Account to Outlook 2016/2019
  Use advanced setup to add a POP or IMAP email account in Outlook for WindowsIf you need to enter specific values for incoming and outgoing server names, port numbers, or SSL settings, you can use Outlook's advanced setup option. You can use these instructions to add a POP or IMAP account to Outlook.
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