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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Email Services » How to configure O365 with SpamWeeder Premium
 How to configure O365 with SpamWeeder Premium

Inbound filtering only:

Using Office365 with SpamWeeder Premium for inbound filtering is simple.  

Once the domain is added to the SpamWeeder Premium portal, we recommend that you then create a rule directly within Office365, to allow all traffic from the filtering service IP's before changing MX record to avoid any delivery issues. 

To set this, complete ONE of the following options: Set an  IP Based Transport rule, OR an X Header based transport rule.  

IP based transport rule:

In your Office 365 Environment, you can create a "Transport Rule" for your filtering service delivery IPs.  (**note** This is IP based and not hostname based.  Please use the IP ranges specified here:  SpamWeeder Premium IP Ranges).  Once you have the delivery IPs, please do the following:

  • Login to your O365 admin console
  • Click Admin and choose Exchange from the menu.
  • Select Mail Flow
  • Under Rules, click the +button and choose Create New Rule.
  • Add a Name for your Rule 'SpamWeeder Premium'.
  • Click More Options
  • Create Rule "If The sender >> IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches".
  • Add the SpamWeeder Premium IP's in the box provided.
  • Click +.
  • Click OK.
  • In the "Do the following" part, select "Modify the message properties" >> "Set the spam confidence level (SCL)" >> "Specify SCL" >> "Bypass spam filtering"
  • Click OK.
  • Click Save to save the new transport rule.

X Header based transport rule

  • Login to your O365 admin console
  • Click Admin and choose Exchange from the menu.
  • Select Mail Flow
  • Under Rules, click the +button and choose Create New Rule.
  • Add a Name for your Rule 'SpamWeeder Premium'.
  • Click More Options
  • Create Rule "A message header includes"X-Recommended-Action" header includes >> contains "accept".
  • Click +.
  • Click OK.
  • In the "Do the following" part, select "Modify the message properties" >> "Set the spam confidence level (SCL)" >> "Specify SCL" >> "Bypass spam filtering"
  • Click OK.

Article Details
Article ID: 339
Created On: 08 Mar 2018 4:59 PM

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