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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Email Services » How to whitelist or blacklist a domain or email in SpamWeeder Premium
 How to whitelist or blacklist a domain or email in SpamWeeder Premium
  1. Log in as the domain admin and under Domains Overview select the domain to modify.
  2. Scroll down to the section titled Incoming Protection Settings
  3. If you wish to whitelist or blacklist certain incoming messages (the most common scenario), select Sender Whitelist or Sender Blacklist. If you have outbound filtering enabled and wish to bypass filtering for emails sent to certain recipient(s), select Recipient Whitelist or Recipient Blacklist.
  4. Select the blue text with the plus symbol that says something like "Add blacklist sender" or "Add whitelist recipient"
  5. In the Address field, type in the domain name or email address that you wish to whitelist or blacklist.
  6. Click Save.
If you are unsure what to put in the Address box:
  • To whitelist/blacklist a specific email, type in the full address like "example@companydomain.com"
  • To whitelist/blacklist a domain, just type in the full domain like "companydomain.com"

CAUTION: Using this feature will bypass normal security measures. This means if a whitelisted account is compromised or spoofed, it could put your network at risk. Use this feature only for trusted senders.

More advanced options:
The "Whitelist filtering rules" and "Blacklist filtering rules" modules allow you to create conditional rules that always allow or deny certain types of emails using attributes beyond just email address and domain name. For example, you can allow a specific IP address or hostname. You can also allow emails based on a subject line match, attachment name/type and much more.

Article Details
Article ID: 291
Created On: 02 Sep 2014 12:41 PM

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