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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Email Services » How to add email account to Outlook Express?
 How to add email account to Outlook Express?

You may need to refer to your Web or Email Hosting Customer Support sheet to properly configure Outlook Express. Please note steps which refer you to your Hosting sheet.

 Step1: Click on Tools>>Accounts. The following dialog box will appear as shown below. Select "Add" and then select "Mail" as shown:


Step2: Enter the name you would like to display:


Step3: Enter your email address:


Step4: Enter the Pop3 and SMTP server information as given in the hosting sheet sent by us:


Step5: Enter your account name and password. Please remember that the account name is your full email address:


Step6: After the previous step, click next and then click Finish. Then go to Main menu and select "Tools" and then select "Accounts" and the following dialog box will be displayed. Select your email account and then click on Properties:


Step7: You can change the name of the account to your preference on this page :


Step8: Please ensure that you select the "My Server requires authentication" box as shown below:


Click Apply and then close the dialog box and your email account is ready.

If this information is not accuratebecause you have a different version of Microsoft Outlook, you canaccess the Microsoft Online Help and How-to byvisiting the following link: Click Here 

Then select the tab of the version of Office that you are using (2007,2003, etc.), click on the Outlook product in the list that is displayed, and then enter "Add or remove an e-mail account" into thesearch function at the top of the page.  The results displayed will provide you with step-by-step instructions for adding the email account to your version of Outlook.

Article Details
Article ID: 25
Created On: 18 Sep 2012 10:57 AM

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