To extract email headers from Outlook 2010 and newer
- Double click on the spam message
- Select the File tab
- Select Properties
- Highlight all of the text in the box labeled "Internet Headers"
- To send the header information, please copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) the information into a new email message or .txt document.
To extract email headers from Outlook 2007
- Double click on the spam message
- On the Message tab, in the Options group, click the Dialog Box Laucher .
- In the Message Options dialog box, the headers appear in the Internet headers box.
- To send the header information, please copy (Ctrl A then Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) the information into a new email message or .txt document.
To extract email headers from Outlook Express
- Double click on the spam message
- Click the "File" menu in the message window
- Click "Properties"
- Click the "Details" tab
- Click "Message Source" .
- To send the header information, please copy (Ctrl A then Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) the information into a new email message.
To extract email headers from Outlook 2000/2003
- Open a message.
- On the View menu, click Options.
Note: If you do not see the Options command, make sure you click View on the toolbar in an open message window. The View menu on the standard Outlook toolbar does not have the Options command.
You must open a message first, and then use the View menu on the toolbar of the message window. On the Tools menu, click Options. Header information appears under Deleivery options in the Internet headers box. The headers appear in the Internet headers box.
To send the header information, please copy (Ctrl A then Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) the information into a new email message.