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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Email Services » How do I create an alias for my email?
 How do I create an alias for my email?

To create an alias, login as the administrator of your domain to our web interface. Please refer to your hosting sheet for the exact link (for some users it is http://mail2.webcentric-tn.com:8383 and for some users it is http://mail3.webcentric-tn.com:8383).

After logging in you will see the following menu:

Click on Add as shown below:

Create the alias name you would like. Please note that only enter the first part of the email. So for example, if you want sales@domainname.com, then in the ALIAS ID you should enter ONLY sales. In the destination textbox, enter the full email addresses of all the users who you would like to receive the alias email. You can also send out emails to other mail servers like your AOL accounts or Gmail accounts.

Article Details
Article ID: 21
Created On: 18 Sep 2012 10:42 AM

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